I am currently a doctoral candidate in Computer Science entering my third year at Rutgers University–New Brunswick. My primary research interests encompass Brain-Computer Interfaces, Brain-inspired computation, and Medical Imaging Informatics. At present, my research is focused on the temporal analysis of Electroencephalogram data and the development of algorithms driven by spiking neural networks.

Feel free to touch with me.
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  1. Few-shot Transfer Learning for Hereditary Retinal Diseases Recognition
    Siwei Mai, Qian Li, Qi Zhao, and Mingchen Gao.
    MICCAI’21, In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Springer, 2021. (Early Acceptance (13%), Student Travel Award).
    [Paper] [Code] [Intro]

  2. EEGSN: Towards Efficient Low-latency Decoding of EEG with Graph Spiking Neural Networks
    Xi chen, Siwei Mai, and Konstantinos Michmizos.
    NICE’23(Poster), Neuro Inspired Computational Elements Conference, 2023.