Hathaway Intro Pablo Uchida ©

—— シャア・アズナブル


本文由锋锋送的 HHKB 完成,高低得给好兄弟整个独家冠名嗷!新冠赶紧好起来ヾ(*´▽‘*)ノ

This article was completed by the HHKB, a gift from one of my best friends Wenfeng. I hope he will recover from COVID soon!


第一次看高达系列的作品是“W”系列,差不多是小学一年级的时候了 2333。我很久没有看到让人血脉喷张又让人有所思考的高达作品了。这部作品《闪光的哈撒韦》是高达系列周年的回顾之作,无论从作画、配乐、人物塑造都是历代作品的佼佼者。

系列的缔造者,富野由悠季老爷子的初心就是想通过战争来表达和平的可贵。想到过去几个月发生的俄乌战争。实验室里俄罗斯师兄的话深深的触动了我,“We don’t usually say ‘I’m a Russaian or Ukrainian’. They are all my people!”。我不想表达对国与国之间政治的看法,但唯一能确定的是战争是不好,是残酷的。这也是我深刻从这部作品中能体会到的。祝世界和平!

The first time I watched the Gundam series was the “W” series, more or less when I was in first grade. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Gundam anime movie that got the blood pumping and made me think. “Hathaway’s Flash” is a retrospective of the 40th anniversary of the Gundam series. In terms of painting, soundtrack and characterization, this one is undoubtedly a masterpiece of all the generations.

The creator of the series, Yuyuki Tomino’s original intention was to express the preciousness of peace through war. Thinking about the Russian-Ukrainian war that happened in the past few months. I was deeply touched by the words of my Russian fellow in the lab, “We don’t usually say ‘I’m a Russaian or Ukrainian’. They are all my people!”. I do not want to express my opinion about the politics between countries, but the only thing I can say for sure is that war is bad and cruel. This is what I can deeply appreciate from this movie. Peace!